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Biscuit Malt, Chateau OZ
Biscuit Malt, Chateau OZ
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Our Price: $0.14

Quantity in Stock:212


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Malt Type: Specialty Grain Origin: Europe Wort Color: 17.5-21.5 Lovibond (45-55 EBC) Protein: 11.5% Moisture: 4.7% max. Extract (dry): 77% min. Diastatic Power: 0 Lintner Usage: 15% max. Chateau Biscuit malt is a lightly kilned and torrefied, Belgian specialty malt. It imparts a toasty, warm-bread flavor and aroma, and adds light to medium brown hues to the mash. The character of Biscuit malt can enhance the affect of roasted malts it might accompany. It has no diastatic power, and must be mashed with malts that have a surplus of enzymes. Suitable wherever its characteristics are desired, Biscuit malt is specifically recommended when brewing English or brown ales, or porters.

Grain is now offered in either pounds or ounces to better accomodate customer needs. Please pay attention to which item you are ordering and select your quantity appropriately. Remember, there are 16 ounces in a pound. Note that 16 x 1 ounces will cost you slightly more than 1 x 1 pound.

Biscuit Malt, Chateau LB
Our Price: $2.28

Biscuit Malt, Chateau LB

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