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Beech Smoked, Weyermann OZ
Beech Smoked, Weyermann OZ
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Our Price: $0.13

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Made from the finest German quality brewing barley malted in Bamberg, the capital of smoked beers. The strong beech wood smoke gives this malt its unmistakable flavor, hence being the ideal ingredient to perfect any aroma-intensive beer style.

Sensory: pronounced smoke aroma, malty-sweet, with vanilla and honey notes
Smoke malt for light and dark beer styles, typically for:
Pale Lager with Smoke
Amber Lager; Bamberger Rauchbier, Kellerbier, Bamberger Maerzen, Rauchbier
Bock; Rauchbierbock
Wheat beer; Dark wheat, Wheat Bock, Bamberg Weisse Rauchbier, Lichtenhainer
Strong Ale; Old Ale
Porter; Smoked Porter
Specialty Beer; Sathi, Gotlandsdricke
Recommended addition: up to 100%, depending on the desired smoke intensity. Dosage of 5-10% already increases the aroma complexity with vanilla and honey aromas. Higher dosages achieve strong smoky notes, such as smoked ham.
Enzyme activity: high
4.0 – 8.0 EBC
2.0 – 3.5 Lovibond

Grain is now offered in either pounds or ounces to better accomodate customer needs. Please pay attention to which item you are ordering and select your quantity appropriately. Remember, there are 16 ounces in a pound. Note that 16 x 1 ounces will cost you slightly more than 1 x 1 pound.

Beech Smoked, Weyermann LB
Our Price: $2.00

Beech Smoked, Weyermann LB

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5 of 5 November 9, 2022
Reviewer: Akocs Christopher from Clifton, NJ United States  

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