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Kool Down Kolsch (German Ale) - 5 Gal All Grain Recipe Kit
Kool Down Kolsch (German Ale) - 5 Gal All Grain Recipe Kit
Our Price: $16.00

Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: AGKIT_KOLSCH

Grain Milling Option:

This German Kolsch recipe is a very approachable fair weather beer clocking in around 5% ABV (or more depending on your efficiency). This beer is pale yellow as the picture shows.

11 pounds of grain, mostly Pilsner and a dash of Noble German hops make this an easy beer to brew for a great value. Select your desired yeast from the accessory list to your right. The Omega and White Labs options are liquid yeast and the Lallemand Koln or Safale K-97 dry yeasts are directly pitchable single packs (for 5-6 gallons). Note that you only need to select one type of yeast here, we are just giving you options. Ferment in the low 60's for a clean palette and low esters.

A basic recipe sheet is included with the kit showing the actual grain bill and hop additions. Since everyone brews all grain a little differently (BIAB, batch sparge, fly sparge etc) it is difficult to provide exact water amounts and temperatures. If you need help prior to brewing, give us a call.

For emphasis: This kit does not include yeast or priming sugar, it must be selected from the accessories list on the right if you need them.

Assuming 75% efficiency into the boil kettle and 6 gallons post boil:
Est Original Gravity:
1.049 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.1 %
Bitterness: 24 IBUs
Est Color: 5 SRM
Mash at 149F

If you're brewing BIAB/No sparge, if you reduce the batch size to end the boil with about 5.5 gallons (instead of 6), your OG should still track about right.

Note that if you're using RO or distilled water, you will want to use a couple grams each of gypsum and calcium chloride. We include a few ounces of acidulated malt in the recipe so no need to add acid. If you brew with hard/alkaline water, you may want to add a few mL of lactic acid to the mash. If your water has chlorine or chloramines in it, you definitely want to crush up half a campden tablet into the water prior to using it.

Priming Sugar Corn Sugar Dextrose 5 oz White Labs PPNG WLP029 German/Kolsch Ale Liquid Yeast Pack (OYL-044) Fermentis SafAle K-97 German Ale 11.5 g Omega Yeast OYL-044 Kolsch II (compares to WLP-029) 150ml Liquid Slurry
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Priming Sugar Corn Sugar Dextrose 5 oz White Labs PPNG WLP029 German/Kolsch Ale Liquid Yeast Pack (OYL-044) Fermentis SafAle K-97 German Ale 11.5 g Omega Yeast OYL-044 Kolsch II (compares to WLP-029) 150ml Liquid Slurry

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Click Here to Write a Review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Tasty June 14, 2024
Reviewer: Andy M from NY United States  
Brewed with Omega Kolsch II. Malty, very light hops, a hint of clove and plum. I get a little grape, which most people would detect as grain.

My neighbor requested a kolsch. I was looking for an easy-button recipe, and this did not disappoint.

Brew Hardware's recipes are much better than most of the competition. High quality and appropriate choices.

I did have to supplement the hops to hit the target IBUs, due to the low german AA % lately.

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