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Suspicious Brown Van (American Brown Ale) - 5 Gal All Grain Kit
Suspicious Brown Van (American Brown Ale) - 5 Gal All Grain Kit
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Our Price: $24.00

Quantity in Stock:7


The following items are included with this product:

Grain Milling Option:

American Brown Ales have been part of the classic brew pub scene for decades and have admittedly been somewhat forgotten about lately with the advent of Hazy IPAs. The recipe is malt focused with hints of chocolate, honey, and caramel. The hopping is on the earthy/pine side and used specifically for balance without being the star of the show.

This recipe has done best with an English yeast such as White Labs London Ale WLP013 but can definitely be done with dry yeast also; either Notthingham or Safale US05.

A basic recipe sheet is included with the kit showing the actual grain bill and hop additions. Since everyone brews all grain a little differently (BIAB, batch sparge, fly sparge etc) it is difficult to provide exact water amounts and temperatures. If you need help prior to brewing, give us a call.

For emphasis: This kit does not include yeast or priming sugar, it must be selected from the accessories list on the right if you need them.

Assuming 75% efficiency into the boil kettle:
Est Original Gravity:
1.054 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.015 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.3 %
Bitterness: 22 IBUs
Est Color: 26 SRM
Mash at 152F

NOTE that if your system is typically yielding less than 75% mash efficiency, you may want to add one extra pound of 2row to the cart to hit the target 5.3% ABV and maintain the correct balance. It's listed in the accessories on the right for your convenience.

Priming Sugar Corn Sugar Dextrose 5 oz 2Row Brewer's Malt, Briess or Rahr LB Fermentis SafAle US-05 US05 11.5 g Lallemand Nottingham Yeast 11 g
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Priming Sugar Corn Sugar Dextrose 5 oz 2Row Brewer's Malt, Briess or Rahr LB Fermentis SafAle US-05 US05 11.5 g Lallemand Nottingham Yeast 11 g

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