Home > Ingredients > Yeast > Yeast by Brand > White Labs
The newer White Labs Pure Pitch technology keeps the liquid yeast more viable for much longer times than other cultures. For this reason, we will sell packs all the way up to their best by dates. Several independent viability tests have confirmed that age has very little impact on this yeast. When using yeast pitch/starter calculators, be sure to check the "pure pitch" checkbox if it has one. Note that we would normally move any white labs pack to the aging grab bag bin as soon as it hits the best by date, if we have more than one pack that reaches the BBD at the same time, we reserve the option to ship you two packs for the if you ordered one. We will only do this for packs less than ONE month past the BBD as the total viable yeast cells would be relatively similar to a single pack at 2-3 months old. If you have any concerns about pack age, we can talk about it via phone or email prior to you placing the order.
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White Labs  WLP618 NA All Day PurePitch White Labs WLP618 NA All Day PurePitch
Our Price: $13.99
Free Shipping 1 in stock!
White Labs Zinc Buddy, 3 x 10mL viles White Labs Zinc Buddy, 3 x 10mL viles
Our Price: $9.99
Free Shipping 10 in stock!