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Note: Our free shipping @ $299 offer only covers a max of 20 pounds of grain. Any grain over this weight will be billed actual shipping cost (you will be notified). Did you know you can see all our grains offered by the pound and ounce on a single page on our our grain batch builder?
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German Pale Wheat, Avangard Sack German Pale Wheat, Avangard OZ German Pale Wheat, Avangard LB Pale Ale Malt, Briess Sack
German Pale Wheat, Avangard Sack
Our Price: $61.00
3 in stock!
German Pale Wheat, Avangard OZ
Our Price: $0.09
123 in stock!
German Pale Wheat, Avangard LB
Our Price: $1.21
110 in stock!
Pale Ale Malt, Briess Sack
Our Price: $54.00
4 in stock!
Pale Wheat German Wheat German Wheat Pale Ale Malt
Pale Ale Malt, Briess OZ Pale Ale Malt, Briess LB Caramunich 3, Weyermann LB Caramunich 3, Weyermann OZ
Pale Ale Malt, Briess OZ
Our Price: $0.08
736 in stock!
Pale Ale Malt, Briess LB
Our Price: $1.20
125 in stock!
Caramunich 3, Weyermann LB
Our Price: $2.25
26 in stock!
Caramunich 3, Weyermann OZ
Our Price: $0.14
266 in stock!
Rahr Pale Malt 1-OZ Pale Ale Malt Weyermann CARAMUNICH Type 2, 1-LB Weyermann CARAMUNICH Type 2, 1-OZ
CARAFA Special 1 (dehusked 350L),Weyermann LB CARAFA Special 1 (dehusked 350L),Weyermann OZ CARAFA Special 2 (dehusked 400L), Weyermann LB CARAFA Special 2 (dehusked 400L), Weyermann OZ
Weyermann CARAFA Special Type 1 (dehusked) 1-LB Weyermann CARAFA Special Type 1 (dehusked) 1-OZ Weyermann Weyermann
CARAFA Special 3 (dehusked 500L), Weyermann LB CARAFA Special 3 (dehusked 500L), Weyermann OZ Midnight (Chocolate) Wheat, Weyermann OZ Midnight (Chocolate) Wheat, Weyermann LB
Midnight (Chocolate) Wheat, Weyermann OZ
Our Price: $0.13
308 in stock!
Midnight (Chocolate) Wheat, Weyermann LB
Our Price: $2.25
17 in stock!
Weyermann Weyermann Weyermann Chocolate Wheat 1-OZ Weyermann Chocolate Wheat 1-LB
CaraWheat, Weyermann LB CaraWheat, Weyermann OZ Pale Chocolate (200L), Crisp OZ Pale Chocolate (200L), Crisp LB
CaraWheat, Weyermann LB
Our Price: $2.25
13 in stock!
CaraWheat, Weyermann OZ
Our Price: $0.32
130 in stock!
Pale Chocolate (200L), Crisp OZ
Our Price: $0.14
266 in stock!
Pale Chocolate (200L), Crisp LB
Our Price: $2.28
44 in stock!
Specialty malt
Specialty malt
Crisp Pale Chocolate malt (200L) 1-OZ Crisp Pale Chocolate malt (200L) 1-LB
Chocolate Malt (350L), Briess OZ Chocolate Malt (350L), Briess LB Pilsner Malt German, Weyermann Sack Pale Wheat Malt German, Weyermann Sack
Chocolate Malt (350L), Briess OZ
Our Price: $0.13
263 in stock!
Chocolate Malt (350L), Briess LB
Our Price: $2.25
31 in stock!
Pilsner Malt German, Weyermann Sack
Our Price: $72.00
5 in stock!
Pale Wheat Malt German, Weyermann Sack
Our Price: $70.00
2 in stock!
Briess Chocolate Malt (350L) 1-OZ Briess Chocolate Malt (350L) 1-LB Wyermann Malts
Wyermann Malts
Flaked Barley LB Flaked Barley OZ Flaked Corn (Maize) LB Flaked Corn (Maize) OZ
Flaked Barley LB
Our Price: $2.00
25 in stock!
Flaked Barley OZ
Our Price: $0.13
143 in stock!
Flaked Corn (Maize) LB
Our Price: $2.00
41 in stock!
Flaked Corn (Maize) OZ
Our Price: $0.13
73 in stock!
Flaked Barley 1-LB Flaked Barley 1-OZ Flaked Corn  (Maize) 1-LB Flaked Corn  (Maize) 1-OZ
Flaked Corn (Maize) 50 LB Sack Flaked Oats LB Golden Naked (crystal) Oats, Simpsons LB Golden Naked (crystal) Oats, Simpsons OZ
Flaked Corn (Maize) 50 LB Sack
Our Price: $81.00
(Out of Stock)
Flaked Oats LB
Our Price: $2.00
57 in stock!
Golden Naked (crystal) Oats, Simpsons LB
Our Price: $2.28
17 in stock!
Golden Naked (crystal) Oats, Simpsons OZ
Our Price: $0.14
144 in stock!
Flaked Corn  (Maize) Flaked Oats 1-LB Simpson's Golden Naked (crystal) Oats 1-LB Simpson's Golden Naked (crystal) Oats 1-OZ
Flaked Oats OZ Malted Oats (with HUSKS), OZ Malted Oats (with HUSKS), LB Flaked Oats 50LB Sack
Flaked Oats OZ
Our Price: $0.13
98 in stock!
Malted Oats (with HUSKS), OZ
Our Price: $0.15
194 in stock!
Malted Oats (with HUSKS), LB
Our Price: $1.99
64 in stock!
Flaked Oats 50LB Sack
Our Price: $69.00
1 in stock!
Flaked Oats 1-OZ Malted Oats 1-OZ Malted Oats Flaked Oats 1-LB
Flaked Rice LB Flaked Rice OZ Flaked Rye LB Flaked Rye OZ
Flaked Rice LB
Our Price: $2.00
1 in stock!
Flaked Rice OZ
Our Price: $0.12
116 in stock!
Flaked Rye LB
Our Price: $2.00
11 in stock!
Flaked Rye OZ
Our Price: $0.11
160 in stock!
Flaked Rice 1-LB Flaked Rice 1-OZ Flaked Rye 1-LB Flaked Rye 1-OZ
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