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Heat Shield Large for LTS style sight glasses. Bent to avoid 3" dial thermometer face. Heat Shield Large sideways clip for Ball Valves Heat Shield Small, Clips on to 1/4" NPT sized fittings Heat Shield Small, Larger Clip accomates 1/2" NPT couplings, tees, etc
Heat Shield Large sideways clip for Ball Valves
Our Price: $10.00
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Heat Shield Large for LTS Snaps to the underside
of  ball valves to keep the body and handle cool to the touch
Small Sight Shield - 3" x 3" square shield. Snaps to the underside of
 the compact sight glass kits
Small Sight Shield - 3" x 3" square shield with LARGE clip
Heat Shield small, for threaded in 1/2" NPT dial thermometers. Heat Shield small for weldless 1/2" NPT thermometers e.g. WLT325, WLT34, WLT36.
Heat Shield small, for threaded in 1/2" NPT dial thermometers. Heat Shield small for weldless 1/2" NPT thermometers e.g. WLT325, WLT34, WLT36.