Home > Equipment > Fittings / Camlocks / Triclover > Tube Compression Fittings
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TRUE Weldless Bulkhead - With 1/2 Compression Fitting Bore Thru TRUE Weldless Bulkhead - With 5/8 Compression Fitting TRUE Weldless Bulkhead - With 3/8 Compression Fitting Bore Thru Probe Compression Fitting 1/2" MNPT x 1/4 probe PCOMP1
The real deal. A premium bulkhead. The real deal. A premium bulkhead. The real deal. A premium bulkhead. 1/2" Male NPT x Narrow Probe Compression Fitting
Probe Compression Fitting 1/4" MNPT x probe PCOMP2 Weldless Probe Compression Fitting for Coolers PCOMP3 Weldless Probe Compression Fitting for pots/kegs PCOMP4 1/2" NPT to 1/2" OD Tube Compression Elbow
Probe Compression Fitting 1/4" MNPT x probe PCOMP2
Our Price: $13.00
Free Shipping 39 in stock!
1/2" NPT to 1/2" OD Tube Compression Elbow
Our Price: $17.00
Free Shipping 140 in stock!
1/4" Male NPT x Narrow Probe Compression Fitting
1/4" extended NPT with weldless parts x Narrow Probe Compression Fitting for cooler
1/4" Weldless NPT x Narrow Probe Compression Fitting for thinwall vessels
Stainless 90 degree tube compression fitting with Male 1/2" NPT on one side and 1/2" OD tube compression on the other side.
Replacement Compression Ferrule Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 1/2" Tube x 1/2" MNPT Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 1/4" Tube x 1/2" MNPT Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 1/4" Tube x 1/4" FemaleNPT
Replacement Compression Ferrule
Our Price: $1.25
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We stock replacement compression fitting ferrules in both double
stainless ring and nylon for tube ODs 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", and 5/8".
This fitting converts stainless or copper tubing to NPT threads.
This fitting converts stainless or copper tubing to NPT threads.
This fitting converts stainless or copper tubing to NPT threads
Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 1/4" Tube x 1/4" MNPT Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 3/8" Tube x 1/2" MNPT Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 5/8" Tube x 1/2" MNPT Male Camlock x 1/2" OD Tube Compression Adapter
Male Camlock x 1/2" OD Tube Compression Adapter
Our Price: $16.00
Free Shipping 2 in stock!
This fitting converts stainless or copper tubing to NPT threads This fitting converts stainless or copper tubing to NPT threads
This fitting converts stainless or copper tubing to NPT threads
Camlock to 1/2" OD Tube Compression Adapter
Male Camlock x 5/8" OD Tube Compression Adapter Tube Compression x FEMALE NPT Threaded Adapter - 1/2" Tube x 1/2" FNPT Pull Through Solderable 1/2" Compression Pull Through Solderable 5/8" Compression
Pull Through Solderable 1/2" Compression
Our Price: $17.00
Free Shipping 166 in stock!
Pull Through Solderable 5/8" Compression
Our Price: $17.50
Free Shipping 230 in stock!
Camlock to 5/8" OD Tube Compression Adapter
FEMALE 1/2" NPT threads
Pull Through Solder Bulkhead - Awesome for HERMS coils Pull Through Solder Bulkhead
Male Camlock x 3/8" OD Tube Compression Adapter Male Camlock x 1/4" OD Tube Compression Adapter Solder or Weld Thermo Probe Compression Fitting for pots/kegs PCOMP5 Ball Lock Keg Post Thread 19/32"-18 x 1/4" OD Tube Compression
Male Camlock x 3/8" OD Tube Compression Adapter
Our Price: $14.00
Free Shipping 48 in stock!
Camlock to Tube Compression Adapter
Camlock to Tube Compression Adapter
Weld or Solder Probe Compression Fitting
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Ball Lock Keg Post Thread 19/32"-18 x 3/8" OD Tube Compression Ball Lock Keg Post Thread 19/32"-18 x 1/2" OD Tube Compression Ball Lock Keg Post Thread 19/32"-18 x 5/8" OD Tube Compression 1/2" NPT to 3/8" OD Tube Compression Elbow
1/2" NPT to 3/8" OD Tube Compression Elbow
Our Price: $15.00
Free Shipping 99 in stock!
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Stainless 90 degree tube compression fitting with Male 1/2" NPT on one side and 3/8" OD tube compression on the other side.
Compression Spud,  Weld or Solder 1/4" OD Tube Compression Compression Spud,  Weld or Solder 3/8" OD Tube Compression Compression Spud,  Weld or Solder 1/2" OD Tube Compression Male Camlock Socket Weld/Solder for 3/8" OD tubing
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Compression to 19/32"-18 Ball Lock Post Threads
Solder or Weld on Male Camlock
Tube Compression x NPT Threaded Adapter - 3/8" Tube x 1/2" FNPT Tube Compression Fitting Plug, All Sizes 1.5" TC x 1/4" Compression Adapter 1.5" TC x 3/8" Compression Adapter
1.5" TC x 1/4" Compression Adapter
Our Price: $17.00
Free Shipping 53 in stock!
1.5" TC x 3/8" Compression Adapter
Our Price: $17.00
Free Shipping 77 in stock!
FEMALE 1/2" NPT threads
for tube ODs 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", and 5/8". 1-1/2" Triclover
1-1/2" Triclover
1.5" TC x 1/2" Compression Adapter 1.5" TC x 5/8" Compression Adapter Male Camlock Socket Weld/Solder for 1/2" OD tubing 1.5" TC Double x 1/2 Compression Adapter (Pair For HERMS Coils)
1.5" TC x 1/2" Compression Adapter
Our Price: $17.00
Free Shipping 81 in stock!
1.5" TC x 5/8" Compression Adapter
Our Price: $17.00
Free Shipping 61 in stock!
1-1/2" Triclover
1-1/2" Triclover
Solder or Weld on Male Camlock
1-1/2" Triclover