Even though yeast manufacturers are quite generous with their "use by" dates, we stop selling them at full price before that.
Omega Labs Liquid yeast has a use by date of 6 months after packaging. We move packs into the grab bag bin at 4 months and discard them at 8 months. Therefore, if you buy one of these grab bag yeast packs and we select an Omega brand pack, it will be between 4 months and 8 months old.
White Labs Liquid yeast has a use by date of 6 months after packaging, however, the Pure Pitch packaging technology keeps this yeast extremely viable. Therefore we sell it at full price all the way up to the 6 month mark. It goes into the discount bin at 6 months and gets discarded at 10 months.
In some rare cases, we put some younger packs into the grab bag bin if they were mishandled, not picked up, etc but left at warmer temps for a day or two. When this happens, the cell viability is often diminished in a similar way to an aging pack.
In all cases, you should know that a yeast starter will be required to get any of this yeast back into health before pitching in wort. We do not accept any liability if you pitch these packs and don't see activity. It is highly discounted and you're assuming a small risk that the yeast is not going to wake up in the starter.
Note that we have added the ability to select yeast type preferences. Please select as many types as you'd like and we will do our best to accommodate those preferences when possible. Please do not complain that you didn't receive a yeast strain that matches your preference. This product is marked down to 25% of its original cost and many other shops would still charge full price for yeast of this age.