The BrewHardware Extract version of a style-accurate American Lager represents what 80% of Americans think of when you say "beer".
Expect about a 4.6% ABV, very pale yellow beer with a high drinkability, dry finish, with just enough bitterness to balance.
Requires a 16 quart boil kettle minimum, and the ability to hold the fermenter at 50-55F and also 60-70F depending on the fermentation schedule. Otherwise, the beer may turn out more ale-like.
Included with the kit, malt extracts, steeping grains (if applicable), steeping bag, hops, yeast, priming sugar, 50 bottle caps. Not included: Bottles, 6 gallons of RO or Distilled water.
Makes 5 gallons of finished, packaged beer. Approximately 1.043 OG, 14 IBUs.
Like all of our custom designed recipe kits, the ingredients are taken directly out of our high turnover stock at the time of ordering. That way, nothing sits in a box on the shelf.
Like all of our recipe kits, a brew-day checklist and basic instructions directly out of beersmith software is provided.